Blooming Rose

Blooming Rose

Monday, May 30, 2011

I Just Couldn't Help Myself!

The Peony is such a beautiful flower.  It also seems like such a graceful and romantic

The peonies in my garden  have several buds but only a few have opened so today
while I was at the farmers market and saw bunches of peonies for sale...well, I just
couldn't help myself!

For some reason the colors this year seem more vibrant than usual.  Even the buds on
my plants in the garden seem more vivid.  Growing up on the east coast we had peony
plants in our yard for as long as I can remember and they were always light pink or
dark pink or white.  This year the pinks(even the light pinks)are much more vibrant and
I have even seen a couple of orange and dark maroon peonies!  I will be sticking with
the pinks and whites this year but who knows about next year.

When I first cut or buy peonies I put them in my sap bucket with ice cold water and let
them rest outside for a little while.

When the flowers have rested I bring them inside...

Hmm, these romantic beauties are perfect with old silver...especially not polished...

Have a lovely week!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

An Early Peek At Something Special

I know you were probably expecting me to do a post about roses right about now. 
However, because I have been telling you about my visit to The Flower Fields, I
thought I would surprise you and share an early peek inside a very special greenhouse.

Let me be the first to say that we normally don't see poinsettias until close to Christmas
but they are already being specially prepared and grown inside a wonderful greenhouse.
The Ecke Family Farm is known worldwide for their beautiful poinsettias and most all
commercially grown poinsettias in this country originate from the Ecke Family Farm.

They are showing many of their varieties now in their greenhouse at The Flower Fields
in Carlsbad, California.

Take a look and enjoy...

I must admit that for some reason I have never really been a fan of the poinsettia...until now.
I especially like the new 1188 variety.  Do you have a favorite variety?

I will be linking to A Rosy Note for her Friday party.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Remnants Of The Past Sale - Part II

A couple of posts ago I showed you images from the Remnants of the Past sale in
Nipomo, California here.  Several of you have sent emails to remind me that I
promised to show a few more photos of that busy day.  It was bright and beautiful 
and the surrounding countryside was exquisite.  A perfect day for such an exciting
sale.  The vendors came from all over and even though the crowds were huge, the
vendors were all delightful and charming.

Here's a brief reminder of what I showed you last time...

Atelier De Campagne...

3 Fine Grains...

Blue Canoe Reloaded...

And here are a few photos you haven't seen yet.  Truly, something for everyone...

Euro Linens...

The Vintage Bricoleur...

The Vintage Bricoleur...

There will be another Remnants of the Past sale in the fall.  I'm looking forward to it.

Have a great weekend.